Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

If the arithmetic mean of $n$ numbers of a series is $\bar{x}$ and sum of the first $(n - 1)$ numbers is $k$, then which one of the following is the nth number of the series ?

  1. $\bar{x} - nk$

  2. $n\bar{x} - k$

  3. $k\bar{x} - n$

  4. $nk\bar{x}$

Correct Option: B

Mean of n terms $=\bar{x}$
Sum of n terms  $=n\bar{x}$
Sum of $(n-1)$  terms $=k$

$n^{th}$ term $=$ Sum of n terms $-$ Sum of $(n-1)$ terms $=n\bar{x} - k$

The mean marks got by $300$ students in the subject of statistics was $45$. The mean of the top $100$ of them was found to be $70$ and the mean of the last $100$ was known to be $20$, then the mean of the remaining $100$ students is 

  1. $45$

  2. $58$

  3. $68$

  4. $88$

Correct Option: A
Let mean marks of remaining student be $M$
then Mean $=\dfrac{\displaystyle\sum (fx)}{\displaystyle\sum f}=45$        $\displaystyle\sum f=300$
$\therefore \dfrac{\displaystyle\sum (fx)}{\displaystyle\sum f}=100\times 70+100\times M+100\times 20$
$\dfrac{\displaystyle\sum (f)(x)}{\displaystyle\sum f}=\dfrac{100(90+M)}{\displaystyle\sum f}$
$\Rightarrow M=135-90$

If $a _{1}=0$ and $a _{1}, a _{2}, a _{3}, ...., a _{n}$ are real numbers such that $|a _{i}|=|a _{i-1}+1|$ for all $i$ then the Arithmetic mean of the numbers $a _{1}, a _{2}, ..., a _{n}$ has value $x$ where

  1. $x<-1$

  2. $x<-\dfrac{1}{2}$

  3. $x>-\dfrac{1}{2}$

  4. $x=-\dfrac{1}{2}$

Correct Option: C

Simplify: $\dfrac{{4 + \sqrt 5 }}{{4 - \sqrt 5 }} + \dfrac{{4 - \sqrt 5 }}{{4 + \sqrt 5 }}$

  1. $\dfrac {42}{11}$

  2. $\dfrac {40}{11}$

  3. $\dfrac {39}{25}$

  4. $\dfrac {16}{25}$

Correct Option: A

$\dfrac{4+\sqrt5}{4-\sqrt5} = \dfrac{(4+\sqrt5)}{(4-\sqrt5)} \dfrac{(4+\sqrt5)}{(4+\sqrt5)}$    ...... rationalizing numerator and the denominator

$= \dfrac{(4+\sqrt5)^2}{16-5} = \dfrac{(4+\sqrt5)^2}{11} $

$\dfrac{4-\sqrt5}{4+\sqrt5} = \dfrac{(4-\sqrt5)}{(4+\sqrt5)} \dfrac{(4-\sqrt5)}{(4-\sqrt5)}$    ...... rationalizing numerator and the denominator, 

$= \dfrac{(4-\sqrt5)^2}{16-5} = \dfrac{(4-\sqrt5)^2}{11} $

$\dfrac{4+\sqrt5}{4-\sqrt5} +\dfrac{4-\sqrt5}{4+\sqrt5} = \dfrac{(4+\sqrt5)^2 +(4-\sqrt5)^2}{11} =\dfrac{16+5+16+5}{11} = \dfrac{42}{11}$

What fraction of a day is $16$ hours?

  1. $\dfrac{3}{2}$

  2. $\dfrac{1}{24}$

  3. $\dfrac{2}{3}$

  4. $\dfrac{16}{60}$

Correct Option: C

A complete day has $24$ hours so


Hence option $'C'$ is the answer.

Which of the following are true?

(a) $\displaystyle \frac{35}{16}=2.1875$
(b) $\displaystyle \frac{17}{8}=2.125$
(c) $\displaystyle \frac{327}{500}=0.654$
(d) $\displaystyle \frac{14588}{625}=23.3408$

  1. $a,b,c,d$

  2. $a,c,d$

  3. $a,b,c$

  4. $a,b,d$

Correct Option: A

(i) $\displaystyle \frac{35}{16} = \frac{35 \times 5^4}{2 \times 5^4}= \frac{35 \times 625}{(10)^4}= \frac{21875}{10000}=2.1875$
(ii) $\displaystyle \frac{17}{8} = \frac{17 \times 5^3}{2^3 \times 5^3} = \frac{17 \times 125}{(10)^3}=\frac{2125}{1000}=2.125$
(iii) $\displaystyle \frac{327}{500} = \frac{327}{5\times 5 \times 5 \times 2 \times 2}$
$=\displaystyle \frac{327}{5^3 \times 2^2} = \frac{327}{5^3 \times 2^3}= \frac{654}{(10)^3} = 0.654$
(iv) $\displaystyle \frac{14588}{625} = \frac{2^2 \times 7 \times 521}{5^4} = \frac{2^6 \times 7 \times 521}{2^4 \times 5^4}$
$\displaystyle =\frac{233408}{10^4}=23.3408$

Solve: $8\dfrac{2}{3}+9\dfrac{3}{8}$

  1. $40$

  2. $\dfrac{433}{24}$

  3. $24$

  4. $\dfrac{437}{24}$

Correct Option: B

Given, $\displaystyle 8\frac{2}{3} + 9\frac{3}{8}$

Could be written as,

$\displaystyle \frac{26}{3} + \frac{75}{8}$

LCM of 3 and 8 is 24,

= $\displaystyle \dfrac{208}{24} + \dfrac{225}{24}$

= $\displaystyle\dfrac{433}{24}$

Three number $ A, B$ and $C$ are in the ratio of $12 : 15 : 25 .$ If the some of these numbers be $364$ find the ratio between the difference of $B$ and $A$ and the difference of $C$and $B ?$

  1. $3 : 2$

  2. $3 : 10$

  3. $3 : 5$

  4. $4 : 2$

Correct Option: B

Let $A=12k,B=15k, C=25k$

Now $A+B+C=364$
Hence the correct option is (B).

The standard from of a rational number -225 / 465 is 

  1. $\frac { -4 }{ 7 } $

  2. $\frac { -6 }{ 7 } $

  3. $\frac { -6 }{ 17 } $

  4. none of these

Correct Option: D


Thus, option D is correct.

Which of the following numbers is in standard form?

  1. $\dfrac { -24 }{ 52 } $

  2. $\dfrac { -49 }{ 71 } $

  3. $\dfrac { -27 }{ 48 } $

  4. $\dfrac { 28 }{ -105 } $

Correct Option: B
Here option $A) \frac{-24}{52}=\frac{-6}{13}$

$B) \frac{-49}{71}$

$C) \frac{-27}{48}=\frac{-9}{16}$

$D) \frac{28}{-105}=\frac{4}{-15}$

Here (B) is in the standard form.