Tag: classification of pteridophytes

Questions Related to classification of pteridophytes

The number of neck canal cells in the archegonium of Selaginella is

  1. Two

  2. Four

  3. One

  4. Eight to ten

Correct Option: C

Dorstenia an example for.

  1. Raceme

  2. Panicle

  3. Spadix

  4. Coenanthium

Correct Option: D

The microspore of selaginella may be as small as _______________.

  1. 5 $\mu $

  2. 15 $\mu $

  3. 1.5 $\mu $

  4. S $\mu $

Correct Option: B

Archegonium of Selaginella differs from that of Funaria in

  1. Embedded venter

  2. Absence of stalk

  3. Short neck

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

In Dryopteris, the opening mechanism of sporangium is effectively operated by

  1. Stalk

  2. Stomium

  3. Annulus

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

In Dryopteris the opening mechanism of sporangium is effectively operated by stomium. Stomium is formed of the thin-walled cells, marking the line or region of dehiscence of a fern sporangium. It is the opening in an anther, usually between lip cells through which dehiscence occurs.

In Selaginella stem, trabeculae represent modified

  1. Phloem cells

  2. Endodermal cells

  3. Pericycle cells

  4. Cortical cells

Correct Option: B

The neck of the archegonium in Selaginella is made of

  1. Four rows of cells with several cells in each row

  2. Two tiers of four cells each

  3. Four tiers of two cells each

  4. Six rows of cells

Correct Option: B

Male gametophyte of Selaginella is formed 

  1. Outside the microspore

  2. Within the microspore

  3. Partly outside the microspore

  4. Partly within the microspore

Correct Option: B

The megaspore of Selaginella on germination produces

  1. Female gametes

  2. Female gametangia

  3. Female prothallus

  4. Male prothallus

Correct Option: C

$13$-celled male gametophyte of Selaginella has

  1. $12$-celled antheridium $+1$ prothallial cell

  2. $9$-celled antheridium $+4$ prothallial cell

  3. $7$-celled antheridium $+6$ prothallial cell

  4. $10$-celled antheridium $+3$ prothallial cell

Correct Option: A