Tag: kingdom plantae

Questions Related to kingdom plantae

Select an incorrect match.

  1. Whorled phyllotaxy - Alstonia, Nerium

  2. Decussate phyllotaxy - Quisqualis, Psidium, Syzygium

  3. Alternate phyllotaxy - Mustard, China rose, Sunflower

  4. Opposite phyllotaxy - Zinnia, Calotropis

Correct Option: A

Gynobasic style is the characteristic feature of the family Labiates but it is also found in several members of.

  1. Nymphaeaccae

  2. Apocynasceae

  3. Boraginaceae

  4. Liliaceae

Correct Option: A

Gynobasic style is characteristic feature of the family ____________.

  1. Rosaceae

  2. Orchidaceae

  3. Labiatae

  4. Cucurbitaceae

Correct Option: A

In Lathyrus odoratus, if double heterozygous purple-flowered plants are crossed then what would be the probability of double homozygous white-flowered plants?

  1. $\cfrac{4}{16}$

  2. $\cfrac{3}{16}$

  3. $\cfrac{2}{16}$

  4. $\cfrac{1}{16}$

Correct Option: D
According to the dihybrid, if the double heterozygous plants are crossed then the gametes formed will be- AB, ab, Ab, aB. The genotype of the double homozygous white flowering plant will be aabb because white is the recessive gene. The probability will be 1/16 according to the dihybrid cross ratio.

   Ab  AB  aB ab
 Ab  AAbb  AABb  AaBb  Aabb
 aB  aABb  AaBB  aaBB  aaBb
 ab  aAbb  aABb  aaBb  aabb

So, the correct option is '1/16'

Morphine is extracted from the latex of plant?

  1. Erythroxylum coca

  2. Cannabis sativa

  3. Papaver somniferum

  4. Atrope balladona

Correct Option: C

An analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain. It is obtained from the latex of dried seed pods of Papaver somniferum belongs to the family Papaveraceae.

So, the correct option is ‘Papaver somniferum’

Phylogenetic system of classification is based on:

  1. Floral characters

  2. Evolutionary relationships

  3. Morphological features

  4. Chemical constituents

Correct Option: B

A classification that is based on biochemical properties are termed as chemotaxonomy.

And the classification based on quantitative assessment of similarities and differences between the organisms are known as phenetic classification.

Classification based on cytological characteristics of organisms is known as cytotaxonomy. Also, phylogenetic classification is based on the evolutionary ancestry.

So the correct option is B. 

________ systems of classification were based on natural affinities among the organisms.

  1. Artificial

  2. Natural

  3. Phylogenetic

  4. Sexual

Correct Option: B

Natural system of classification takes into consideration comparable study of number of characters so as to bring out natural similarities and dissimilarities and hence natural relationships among the organisms. They include morphological characters, anatomical characters, cytological characters, physiology, ontogeny or development, reproduction, cytochemistry and biochemistry, experimental taxonomy, etc. So, the correct answer is 'Natural'.

Phylogenetic system of classification is proposed by

  1. John Hutchinson

  2. Carolus Linnaeus

  3. George Bentham

  4. Engler and Prantl

Correct Option: D

  • Initially, the Phylogenetic system was proposed by Engler and Prantl. In their treatise 'Die Naturlichen Pflanzen Familien', they arranged the flowering plants according to the increasing complexity of their floral morphology. 
  • John Hutchinson was a British botanist associated with Royal botanic gardens, Kew, England.  His phylogenetic system first appeared as  "The Families of Flowering plants " in two volumes. 
  • Carolus Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist who formalized binomial nomenclature, the modern system of naming organisms. He is known as  The Father of Taxonomy. 
  • George Bentham was an English botanist whose classification of seed plants (Spermatophyta), based on an exhaustive study of all known species, served as a foundation for modern systems of vascular plant taxonomy.
So the correct option is 'Engler and Prantl'.

In flowering plants, meiosis takes place during?

  1. Pollen grain formation

  2. Seed formation

  3. Gamete formation

  4. Seed germination

Correct Option: C

Taxon is a unit of :

  1. Species

  2. Order

  3. Genus

  4. Taxonomy

Correct Option: D

Taxanomy is a scince of classifying living things according to their similarities and diferences.

Taxon is a group of one or more populations of an organism seen by taxonomists from a unit.