Tag: kingdom plantae

Questions Related to kingdom plantae

The modern classification of organisms is based on which of the following aspects?

  1. Physiology

  2. Fossils

  3. Phylogeny

  4. Morphology

Correct Option: C
  • Modern taxonomy is based on the hypotheses' of the evolutionary history of organisms, known as Phylogeny. As with the scientific method, scientists develop a hypothesis on the history of an animal and utilize modern science and technology to prove phylogeny.
  • With the advent of such fields of study as phylogenetics, cladistics, and systematics, the Linnaean system has progressed to a system of modern biological classification based on evolutionary relationships between organisms, both living and extinct.
  • So the correct option is 'phylogeny'.

A cladogram conveys information about ancestors and descendants of an organism

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
Cladogram is a diagrammatic representation of the hypothetical relationships between various animals in a phylogeny.  It helps to derive information regarding the common ancestors and descendants of an organism.
So, the correct answer is, 'True'.

State whether the following statement is true or false:
Plants have no sense organs.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Plants exhibit sensitivity and irritation but sensor organs are absent.

So, the statement is ‘True’.

The term taxonomy is introduced by

  1. De Candolle

  2. Benthum and Hooker

  3. Linnaeus

  4. Huxley

Correct Option: C

Ther term taxonomy is introduced by Carl Linnaeus. He is called as the father of taxonomy. He developed taxonomic hierarchy. It is also called as Linnaeus hierarchy. In it, domain is the highest rank followed by kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Species is the lowest rank in the hierarchy. 

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Artificial systems gave equal weightage to vegetative and sexual  characteristics; this is not acceptable because often ____ characters are more easily affected by environment. 

  1. vegetative

  2. sexual

  3. anatomical

  4. physiological

Correct Option: A

Artificial systems of classification were based upon vegetative and sexual characteristics, where both vegetative and sexual characteristics were given equal weightage. It was not acceptable because vegetative characters are more easily affected by environment.

______ classification systems were based on evolutionary relationships between various organisms. 

  1. Natural

  2. Artificial

  3. Phylogenetic

  4. Both (a) and (b)

Correct Option: C

Classification based on evolutionary relationships of organisms is called phylogenetic system of classification.

Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to represent a significant step toward the evolution of seed habit because 

  1. Embryo develops in female gametophyte which is retained on parent sporophyte

  2. Female gametophyte is free and gets dispersed like seeds

  3. Female gametophyte lacks archegonia

  4. Megaspore possess endosperm and embryo surrounded by seed coat

Correct Option: A

Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia which produce two kinds of spores, macro (large) and small (micro) spores are known as heterosporous. Microspore and macrospore germinate and gives rise to male and female gametophyte respectively. The female gametophytes in these plants are retained on the parent sporophyte for a variable period. The development of the zygote into young embryo takes place within the female gametophytes. This event is a precursor to the seed habits considered an important step in evolution. So, the correct answer is 'Embryo develops in female gametophyte which is retained on parent sporophyte'.

Spindle shaped male gametes are found in

  1. Lycopodium

  2. Pteris

  3. Pteridium

  4. Selaginella

Correct Option: D

Selaginella is a pteridophyte also known as spike moss or little club moss. It is a tropical plant. It has world wide distribution. It grows in damp forests. Some species occur in temperate regions. They grow in moist shady places. In Selaginella male gametes are spindle shaped and biflagellate. Hence option D is correct.

Selaginella has a tendency to form seed, called seed habit, because it follows 

  1. Retention of megaspore permanently inside the megasporangium

  2. Heterospory

  3. Both above characters

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Selaginella is a genus of primitive vascular plants in the family Selaginellaceae. Selaginella has a tendency to form seed because the retention and germination of single megaspore within megasporangium to form a female gametophyte led to the phenomenon of seed habit, a characteristic feature of spermatophytes.

So, the correct answer is 'Retention of megaspore permanently inside the megasporangium'.

The evolutionary advanced features of Selaginella are :
(a) Heterospory
(b) Endosporic development of gametophyte.
(c) Reduced gametophyte
(d) Localization of sporangium bearing appendages in strobili.
(e) Unisexual gametophytes
(f) fertilization with the help of water.

  1. All are correct

  2. All expect (f) are correct

  3. All expect (e) and (f) are correct

  4. All expect (c) is correct.

Correct Option: A