Tag: kingdom plantae

Questions Related to kingdom plantae

Kidney- shaped covering of Dryopteris sori is

  1. Ramentum

  2. Placenta

  3. Indusium

  4. Sporophyll

Correct Option: C

Dryopteris species can be identified by the circular shaped sori, that is covered by a kidney-shaped, translucent tissue. It is called as indusium. It is a shield like outgrowth of the leaves.

Which of the following pteridophytes belong to class Pteropsida?

  1. Equisetum and Psilotum

  2. Lycopodium and Adiantum

  3. Selaginella and Pteris

  4. Pteris and Adiantum

  5. Dryopteris and Psilotum

Correct Option: D

The class Pteropsida is characterized by pteridophytic plants, that have large, dissected leaves and sporangia, that are borne on the leaves. Pteropsida is divided into three classes - (i) filicineae, (ii) gymnespermae, (iii) angiospermae. 

For example- Dryopteris, Pteris, Adiantum.

Brown hair found at the base of Pteris leaves are

  1. Modified stipulate

  2. Modified leaflets

  3. Ramenta

  4. Spines

Correct Option: C

Some epidermal cells give rise uniseriate bicellular brown hairs on young leaves of Pteris or any other fern, called as ramenta. 

The vegetative part of the male gametophyte of Selaginella is represented by

  1. Prothallial cell

  2. Androgonial cells

  3. Jacket cells

  4. All the above structures

Correct Option: A

The sperms of Selaginella reach archegonia under chemotaxis of

  1. Proteins

  2. Sugars

  3. Lactic acid

  4. Malic acid

Correct Option: D

In Dryopteris,

  1. Sporophyte is parasitic over gametophyte.

  2. Sporophyte is independent.

  3. Gametophyte is independent.

  4. Both B and C.

Correct Option: D

Dryopteris, is a genus with more than 250 species and is widespread in the temperate zones in northern hemisphere. The diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte of Dryopteris regularly alternate with each other. The haploid spore which gives rise to the gametophyte which is the monoecious prothallus and bears sex organs on its ventral side. After fertilization, they give rise to the sporophyte which is the dominant asexual member in the life cycle of the plant and is a perennial evergreen, differentiated into rhizome (stem), roots and leaves. Hence, both the gametophyte and sporophyte are independent of each other.

The number of neck canal cells in the archegonium of Selaginella is

  1. Two

  2. Four

  3. One

  4. Eight to ten

Correct Option: C

Dorstenia an example for.

  1. Raceme

  2. Panicle

  3. Spadix

  4. Coenanthium

Correct Option: D

The microspore of selaginella may be as small as _______________.

  1. 5 $\mu $

  2. 15 $\mu $

  3. 1.5 $\mu $

  4. S $\mu $

Correct Option: B

Archegonium of Selaginella differs from that of Funaria in

  1. Embedded venter

  2. Absence of stalk

  3. Short neck

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D