Tag: kingdom plantae

Questions Related to kingdom plantae

Stem of Selaginella has

  1. Siphonostele

  2. Protostele

  3. Ectophloic siphonostele

  4. Amphiphloic siphonostele

Correct Option: B

Plant body of Selaginella is

  1. Sporophyte

  2. Gametophyte

  3. Halophyte

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: A

Botanical name of Sanjeevani is

  1. Selaginella chrysocaulos

  2. Selaginella bryopteris

  3. S. chrysorhizos

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Rudimentary seed habit occurs in

  1. Lycopodium

  2. Selaginella

  3. Psilotum

  4. Equisetum

Correct Option: B

Selaginella leaf possesses an outgrowth proximally on the adaxial surface. It is

  1. Ligule

  2. Indusium

  3. Stipule

  4. Petiole

Correct Option: A

Selaginella multiplies vegetatively through

  1. Tubers

  2. Resting buds

  3. Fragmentation

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Heteromorphic alternation of generations occurs in

  1. Dictyota

  2. Selaginella

  3. Rhizopus

  4. Spirogyra

Correct Option: B

In Selaginella, the male gametes are

  1. Uniflagellate

  2. Biflagellate

  3. Non-flagellate

  4. Multiflagellate

Correct Option: B

A pteridophyte having pyrenoid in its chloroplasts is

  1. Pteridium

  2. Selaginella

  3. Equisetum

  4. Marsilea

Correct Option: B

Selaginella sperms swim towards archegonia. The phenomenon is

  1. Chemotaxis

  2. Chemotropism

  3. Chemonasty

  4. Thigmonasty

Correct Option: A

Chemotaxis is the movement shown by organism in the direction of the external chemical stimuli. In Selaginella, sperm sense the chemoattractant and orient its swimming towards the archegnonia. Chemotropism is the growth movement shown by organism in the direction of the external chemical stimuli. Chemonasty is the nastic movement shown by organism in response to the external chemical stimuli. Spermatozoa can sense this chemoattractant and orient their swimming direction up the concentration gradient towards the egg cell located in the venter of archegonia

So, the correct answer is 'Chemotaxis'