Tag: food spoilage, adulteration and preservation

Questions Related to food spoilage, adulteration and preservation

Sterilization by autoclaving is carried out to

  1. Kill bacteria and other pathogens

  2. Kill viruses

  3. Kill bacteria and enzymes

  4. Inactive enzymes

Correct Option: A

Sterilization by autoclaving is carried out to kill bacteria and other pathogens present in the food, equipment, and materials. In this, a pressurized steam is applied with the heat of 121$^0$C for around 15–20 minutes to kill bacteria, spores, and other pathogens.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Kill bacteria and other pathogens.'

Pasteurization is carried out at

  1. $30^o$C for $20$ minutes

  2. $40^o$C for $30$ minutes

  3. $30^o$C for $60$ minutes

  4. $62^o$C for $30$ minutes

Correct Option: D

In pasteurisation, milk and liquors are _______________.

  1. Super cooled to kill germs

  2. Super heated to kill germs

  3. Heated below boiling point for several hours

  4. Heated well below boiling point for 20-30 minutes.

Correct Option: D
Answer is option D "Heated well below boiling point for 20-30 minutes"
Pasteurization process eliminates pathogens and increase shelf-life of milk and liquids. Vat pasteurization process heats milk and liquids below boiling temperature for 20-30 minutes and is used primarily in the dairy industry for preparing milk for making starter cultures in the processing of cheese, yogurt, buttermilk and for pasteurizing some ice cream mixes.

Steaming of food may lead to___________.

  1. Change in colour

  2. Sterilization

  3. Preservation

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is the reason for the preservation of food by boiling?

  1. High temperature kills the bacteria by denaturing the proteins

  2. It stops the chemical reaction

  3. It changes the colour of the food

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A
Option A is correct.
At high-temperature bacteria present in the food are killed. Also, it will not affect the quality of minerals present in the food.
But, there must be some temperature, like here more than $ 100^{\circ}c$ is required to kill the bacteria.
So, this method is mainly adopted everywhere. (i.e. Boiling)

High temperature helps in the reduction of __________________.

  1. Food poisoning

  2. Nutritional quality

  3. Food texture

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

............. is the process which is used to make something free from bacteria.

  1. Fermentation

  2. Sterlization

  3. Condensation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B
Sterilization is a thermal process generally designed to destroy the stores of the bacterium (C. botulinum). As this microorganism can easily be grown under anaerobic condition producing the deadly toxin that causes botulism. So, it requires heating temperature greater than $ 100^{\circ}C $

Pasteurization is an example of preservation of food by______________.

  1. Heating

  2. Chemicals

  3. Fermentation

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Pasteurisation is heating at

  1. 120$^o$C for $60$ minutes

  2. $60^o-63^o$C for thirty minutes

  3. $70^o$C for $60$ minutes

  4. $80^o$C for $30$ minutes

Correct Option: B

When the milk has been pasteurised successfully, the milk will no longer contain the enzyme.

  1. Polymerase

  2. Phosphatase

  3. Peroxidase

  4. Pyrimidinase

Correct Option: B