Tag: food spoilage, adulteration and preservation

Questions Related to food spoilage, adulteration and preservation

Food poisoning could be due to the consumption of ________

  1. Spicy food

  2. Food spoilt by some microorganisms

  3. Heavy diet

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Microbes can make the food poisonous causing serious illness and even death. So, it is very important that we preserve food to prevent it from being spoilt. Microorganisms that grow on our food sometimes produce toxic substances.

Which of the following bacteria can cause food poisoning?

a) Clostridium
b) Staphylococci
c) Aspergillus

  1. a, b

  2. a, c

  3. b, c

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The symptoms arise due to the presence of bacteria or other microbes in good due to ingestion of toxins contained in food. Some bacteria like Clostridium and Staphylococci and fungi like Aspergillus cause food poisoning.

Which of the following is symptom of food poisoning?

a) Vomiting b) Nausea c) Dehydration d) Headache

  1. a, b, c

  2. a, b, d

  3. a, c, d

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting, nausea, severe pain in abdominal region, diarrhoea and dehydration. It may also cause weakness, fatigue and damage to the nervous system.

Disease resulting from the consumption of contaminated food is ________________.

  1. Food adulteration

  2. Food poisoning

  3. Rancidity

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Food poisoning as the name suggests is a disease that results from the consumption of contaminated food. Food adulteration means the presence of unwanted materials in the food item which alters the quality of food whereas rancidity means degradation of oil and fats present in the food item.

Chemical preservatives are used for

  1. Preserve jams jellies

  2. Pickles

  3. Ketchups

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Mark the incorrect statement

  1. Food poisoning could be due to the consumption of food spoilt by some microorganisms.

  2. Microorganims that grow on out food sometimes produce toxic substances.

  3. Insect make the food poisonous causing serious illness and even death.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

It is very important that we preserve food to prevent it from being spoilt. Microbes can make the food poisonous causing serious illness and even death.

Most common preservative?

  1. Sodium benzoate

  2. Sodium metabisulphate

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Sodium benzoate and sodium metabisulphite are common preservatives. These are also used in the jams and squashes to check their spoilage.

A boy was invited by his friend to a party and he ate a variety of foodstuff. On reaching home he started vomiting. He had to be taken to a hospital. The doctor said that this condition could be due to ________

  1. Empty stomach

  2. Food poisoning

  3. Due to weak stomach movement

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Since he ate variety of foodstuffs,the condition could be due to food poisoning.Food poisoning could be due to the consumption of food spoilt by some microorganisms. Microorganisms that grow on our food sometimes produce toxic substances.

Mark the correct statement:

a) Food must be properly stored to prevent food poisoning.
b) Food poisoning can occur when food is left unrefrigerated for longer period of time.
c) Mishandling of food can also cause food poisoning.

  1. a, b

  2. b, c

  3. a, c

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Food must be properly stored to prevent food poisoning. Food poisoning can occur when food is left unrefrigerated for longer period of time. Mishandling of food can also cause food poisoning.

Which of the following is a food infection?

  1. Salmonellosis

  2. Malaria

  3. Staphylococcal intoxication

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Salmonellosis is an infection caused by Salmonella bacteria. Symptoms include diarrhoea, stomach cramps and sometimes vomiting and fever. It is transmitted by the contaminated food and thus called as foodborne diseases.