Tag: multiplication and division of integers

Questions Related to multiplication and division of integers

The product of each positive integer with $-1$ is always ______.

  1. Positive

  2. Negative

  3. 0

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Let us take a positive integer $+2$ and multiply it with the given negative integer $-1$.

We know that the  product of two integers with unlike signs is always negative.

Therefore, the product of the integers with unlike signs $+2$ and $-1$ is:

$(+2)\times (-1)=-(2\times 1)=-2$ which is a negative integer.

Hence, the positive integer whose product with $-1$ is always negative.

Product of two integers is $-48$. If one of the integers is $-6$ then the other is

  1. $+1$

  2. $+288$

  3. $0$

  4. $+8$

Correct Option: D

Let the other integer be $x$. One of the integer is given that is $-6$.

Also, it is given that the product of the two integers is $-48$. Therefore, we have:

$x\times (-6)=-48\ \Rightarrow -6x=-48\ \Rightarrow 6x=48\ \Rightarrow x=\dfrac { 48 }{ 6 } \ \Rightarrow x=8$

Hence, the other integer is $+8$.

$(-1)^{11}$ value is

  1. $+1$

  2. $0$

  3. $-1$

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

We know that if the power $n$ of any negative integer $x$ is even then the resulting integer will always be positive and if the power $n$ of any negative integer $x$ is odd then the resulting integer will always be negative. For example, if the negative integer is $x=-2$, then

Odd power:
$(-2)^3=-2\times -2\times -2=-8$ which is a negative integer.

Even power:

$(-2)^2=-2\times -2=4$ which is a positive integer.

Similarly, $(-1)^{11}=-1$ because $-1$ is a negative integer and $11$ is an odd number, so the result will be a negative integer.

Hence, $(-1)^{11}=-1$

$\displaystyle -84\times \quad ......= +84 $

  1. 0

  2. +1

  3. +84

  4. -1

Correct Option: D



$\displaystyle (148)\div (-4)\quad =$

  1. +37

  2. -37

  3. -38

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B


$\displaystyle 78\times \quad ....... = -78 $

  1. 1

  2. 178

  3. 0

  4. -1

Correct Option: D


hence option D is correct

$\displaystyle (-8)\times (-4) =$

  1. -8

  2. -32

  3. -4

  4. +32

Correct Option: D


$\displaystyle (-24)\times (-2)\times (-2)\times 0\times (-4) =$

  1. $+384$

  2. $-384$

  3. $0$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

$\displaystyle (-24)\times (-2)\times (-2)\times 0\times (-4)
= +48\times 0\times -4
=0\times -4
=0 $

What is the number to be multiplied by $(-7)^{-1}$ so as to get $10^{-1}$ as the product?

  1. $\displaystyle\frac{-7}{10}$

  2. $\displaystyle\frac{7}{10}$

  3. $\displaystyle\frac{9}{10}$

  4. $\displaystyle\frac{-3}{10}$

Correct Option: A
let the number be $ x$
According to the question:
$\Rightarrow(-7)^{-1} x = 10 ^{-1}$
$\Rightarrow\dfrac{1}{-7^{1}}x = \dfrac{1}{10}$
Applying cross multiplication
$\Rightarrow x  = \dfrac{-7}{10}$

Simplify: $(-4)\times 63 = x \times 21$.

Find the value of $x$.

  1. $-21$

  2. $12$

  3. $21$

  4. $-12$

Correct Option: D
