Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

The simplest rationalizing factor of $\sqrt{75}$ is.

  1. $(75)^{1/3}$

  2. $5\sqrt3$

  3. $3$

  4. $\sqrt{150}$

Correct Option: B

Let us first factorize $75$ as shown below:

$75=3\times 5\times 5=3\times { 5 }^{ 2 }$

Now consider $\sqrt {75}$ as follows:

$\sqrt { 75 } =\sqrt { 3\times 5\times 5 } =\sqrt { 3\times { 5 }^{ 2 } } =\sqrt { 3 } \times \sqrt { { 5 }^{ 2 } } =5\sqrt { 3 }$

Hence, the simplest rationalizing factor of $\sqrt {75}$ is $5\sqrt { 3 }$.

The value of $\displaystyle\ \frac{15\times (-24)\times-18}{-(27)\times (20)}$ is

  1. -16

  2. -15

  3. -12

  4. 12

Correct Option: C

As there are $ 2 $ negative numbers in the numerator and $ 1 $ in the denominator, the answer will be negative. 

Cancelling out the common factors and simplifying we get 

$ \dfrac { 15\times (-24)\times -18 }{ -(27)\times (20) } =\dfrac {3 \times 8 \times 18}{-9\times 4}=-3\times 2\times2 = -12 $

The value of $-5\times-12\times 2\times-3$ is

  1. -360

  2. -380

  3. -400

  4. 360

Correct Option: A

As there are $ 3 $ negative numbers, which is an odd number, the product will be negative.

So, $ -5 \times -12 \times 2\times -3 = - 360 $

Multiply $4\times(-3)\times (-2) \ and\  6\times(-5)$

  1. -720

  2. -70

  3. -270

  4. 720

Correct Option: A

$4 \times (-3)\times (-2)\times 6\times (-5)$
$=24\times -30$

$(-60 \times -72)  \  by\    (36\times (-15))$

  1. -8

  2. -16

  3. 8

  4. 16

Correct Option: A

Given, $

\dfrac { (-60)\times (-72) }{ 36\times (-15) } $

As there are $ 2 $ negative numbers in the numerator and $ 1 $ in the

denominator, the answer will be negative.

Cancelling out the common factors and simplifying we get

$ \dfrac { (-60)\times (-72) }{ 36\times (-15) }=-4\times 2  = - 8 $

The value of $-5\times -2\times -2\times-3$  is

  1. 80

  2. 65

  3. 60

  4. -60

Correct Option: C

As there are $ 4 $ negative numbers, which is an even number, the product

will be positive.

So, $ -5 \times -2 \times -2\times -3 = 60 $

$(-5)\times 8$ and $3\times (-2)$

  1. 240

  2. 420

  3. -240

  4. -420

Correct Option: A

$ (-5)\times 8 = - 40 $

$ 3\times (-2) = -6 $

Hence, $ ((-5)\times 8 ) \times (3\times (-2)) = -40 \times -6 = 240 $

Evaluate $\displaystyle\ \frac{(-8)\times8\times(-8)\times(-8)}{(-4)\times(-4)\times(-4)\times(-4)}$

  1. -1

  2. -6

  3. -16

  4. 16

Correct Option: C

Given, $

\dfrac { (-8) \times 8 \times (-8) \times (-8) }{ (-4)\times (-4) \times (-4) \times (-4) } $

As there are $ 3 $ negative numbers in the numerator and $ 4 $ in the denominator, the answer will be negative.

Canceling out the common factors and simplifying we get

$ \dfrac { (-8) \times 8 \times (-8) \times (-8) }{ (-4)\times (-4) \times (-4) \times (-4) }   =2\times -2\times2\times2 = - 16 $

Divide $(-54) \times (64) \ by \  (-27) \times (-128)$

  1. -1

  2. 1

  3. 5

  4. -4

Correct Option: A

$(-54)\times (64)\div (-27)\times (-128)$
$=-3456 \div 3456$