Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

$8 - [ 12 - ({ - 2 \times - 4 (4 of -4 ) }) ] $=

  1. $-132$

  2. $132$

  3. $0$

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

$8 - [ 12 - ({ - 2 \times  - 4 (4 of -4 )) } ] $
$= 8 - [12 - ({ - 2 \times -4 \times  -16})]$
$= 8 - [12 - ({ - 128 })]$
$= 8 - [12 +128]$
$=8 -140$
$= -132$

Observe the given multiplies of 37
$\displaystyle 37\times 3$ = 111
$\displaystyle 37\times 6$ = 222
$\displaystyle 37\times 9$ = 333
$\displaystyle 37\times 12$ = 444
Find the product of $\displaystyle 37\times 27$ ?

  1. 999

  2. Greatest 3 digit number

  3. Either A or B

  4. Smallest 3-digit number

Correct Option: C

$\displaystyle 37\times 3=37\times \left ( 3\times 1 \right )=111$
$\displaystyle 37\times 6=37\times \left ( 3\times 2\right )=222$
$\displaystyle 37\times 9=37\times \left ( 3\times 3\right )=333$
$\displaystyle 37\times 27=37\times \left ( 3\times 9 \right )=999$

The value of $555 \displaystyle \times   193 - 555 \displaystyle \times  93$ is

  1. $555,931$

  2. $1,210,321$

  3. $53,912$

  4. $55,500$

Correct Option: D

Solving the given expression,
$555$  $\displaystyle \times  $ $193 - 555$ $\displaystyle \times  $ $93$
$= 555 \displaystyle \times    (193 - 93)$
$= 555 \displaystyle \times   100 = 55500$

(-32) $\displaystyle \div  $ (-4)

  1. +8

  2. -18

  3. +18

  4. -8

Correct Option: A

$\dfrac{-32}{-4}$ = 8 

Solve $-132\div11$

  1. $+101$

  2. $-101$

  3. $+11$

  4. $-12$

Correct Option: D

We can write $-132÷11$ as $-132×\dfrac 1{11}$

Or, $\dfrac{-132}{11} =(-12)$

So option D is the correct answer.

Product of two integers with unlike signs is

  1. negative

  2. 0

  3. positive

  4. none

Correct Option: A


Solve ($-144\displaystyle \div  16$) 

  1. $+9$

  2. $+11$

  3. $-9$

  4. $-11$

Correct Option: C

When you divide a negative number by a positive number then the quotient is negative. When you divide a positive number by a negative number then the quotient is also negative. So, in this case,

-144/16 = -9
So option C is the correct answer.

If the dividend and divisor have unlike signs then the quotient will be _____

  1. positive

  2. negative

  3. zero

  4. none

Correct Option: B

If the dividend and divisor have unlike signs then the quotient will be Negative.

Division of Integers is similar to the division of whole numbers (both positive) except the sign of the quotient needs to be determined.

If both the dividend and divisor are positive, the quotient will be positive.
(+16) ÷ (+4) = +4

If both the dividend and divisor are negative, the quotient will be positive.
(-16) ÷ (-4) = +4

If only one of the dividend or divisor is negative, the quotient will be negative.
(+16) ÷ (-4) = -4     or      (-16) ÷ (+4) = -4

In other words, if the signs are the same the quotient will be positive, if they are different, the quotient will be negative
Hence Option B

-112 $\displaystyle \times $ _____ = +112

  1. +1

  2. 0

  3. -1

  4. +112

Correct Option: C

-112 $\displaystyle \times $ (-1) = +112

Evaluate $-12\displaystyle \times 21$ 

  1. $-2412$

  2. $-242$

  3. $-252$

  4. $+252$

Correct Option: C

The product of a negative and a positive number is always a negative number.

$-12×21= (-252)$

So option C is the correct answer.