Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

State the following statement is True or False
Multiplication and Division of two negative numbers is always a negative number

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Multiplication and Division of two negative numbers is always a positive number.

$-32\times x= 160$, $-23\times y= -115$
What is the value of $x\div y$?

  1. $-1$

  2. $1$

  3. $-5$

  4. $5$

Correct Option: A
Given, $-32\times x=160, -23\times y=-115$
We have $x=\dfrac{160}{-32}$

and $ y=\dfrac{-115}{-23}=\dfrac{115}{23}$

Thus $\dfrac{x}{y}=\dfrac{160\times 23}{-32\times 115}=-\dfrac{32\times23}{32\times 23}=-1$

State the following statement is True or False
Multiplication of one negative number and one positive number results into negative number

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

$(-)\times (+)=(-)\Rightarrow $   Multiplication of one negative number and one positive number results into negative number

State the following statement is True or False
The value of $-32\times -13= -416$

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The value of $-32\times -13$ is $416$.

Multiplication of two negative numbers results into a positive number.

Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The product of a positive and a negative integer is negative

  2. The product of a negative and a positive integer may be zero

  3. For all non-zero integers a and b, $a\times b$ is always greater than either a or b

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

a) The product of a positive and a negative integer is negative = True

b) The product of a negative and a positive integer may be zero = False
c) For all non-zero integers $a$ and $b$, $a\times b$ is always greater than either $a$ or $b$ = False
Hence option A is correct answer.

The sign of the product of two unlike integers is __________.

  1. Positive

  2. Negative

  3. Positive or negative

  4. Cannot be determined

Correct Option: B

The sign of the product of two unlike integers i.e.positive integer and negative integer is always negative.
Hence the correct answer is option B.

What will be the sign of the product if we together multiply $199$ negative integers and $10$ positive integers?

  1. Negative

  2. Positive

  3. Can't say

  4. Data is insufficient

Correct Option: A

Multiplication of $2$ negative integer result into positive integer.

If we multiply $199$ negative integer, then the result will be negative integer

Now if we multiply $10$ positive numbers with $199$ negative integers 

we will get a negative integer because multiplication of negative and positive 
integer will always result in negative integer.

Hence option A is correct.

Which of the following statement is CORRECT?

  1. The product of a positive and a negative integer is always negative.

  2. The addition of a negative and a positive integer is always zero.

  3. For all non-zero integers a and b, a X b is always greater than either a or b.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

In option (A)       $-x\times x=-x^{2}$ which is always negative. option is correct.

In option (B)        $ -x+y$ not equals to $0$ it zero only when $x=y$  option is incorrect.
In option (C)         let $a=-3$ and $b=4$ then $a\times b=-3\times 4=-12$  which is less than both a and b. hence this option is also incorrect.
hence only option $A$ is correct.

The product of each negative integer with $-1$ is always ______.

  1. Positive

  2. Negative

  3. $0$

  4. Not defined

Correct Option: A

When we multiply negative integer with $-1$ because we get a positive quantity when we multiply two negative quantities we get a positive quantity. 

A teacher assigns $5$ points for a correct answer, and $-2$ points for an incorrect answer, and $0$ points for leaving the questioned unanswered. What is the score for a student who had $22$ correct
answers, $15$ incorrect answers, and $7$ unanswered questions? 

  1. $60$

  2. $75$

  3. $80$

  4. $93$

Correct Option: C

Since, the teacher assigns 5 points for a correct answer, and −2 points for an correct answer, and 0 points for leaving the questioned unanswered.

So,the student gets $(22\times 5) +(15\times -2)+ (7\times 0)  = 80$