Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

Evaluate $(-6)$ $\displaystyle \times $ $(-2) $

  1. $-8$

  2. $+8$

  3. $-12$

  4. $+12$

Correct Option: D

The product of two negative numbers is always a positive number.

So, $-6×(-2)= +12$

So option D is the correct answer.

If ${ B }^{ 3 }A< 0$ and $A> 0$, which of the following must be negative?

  1. $AB$

  2. ${ B }^{ 2 }A$

  3. ${B}^{4}$

  4. $\cfrac { A }{ { B }^{ 2 } } $

  5. $-\cfrac { B }{ A } $

Correct Option: A

If $A$ is positive ${B}^{3}$ must be negative. Therefore, $B$ must be negative. If $A$ is positive and $B$ is negative, the product $AB$ must be negative.


  1. $12$

  2. $-12$

  3. $1$

  4. $2$

Correct Option: B
The positive integer $144$ can be divided by a negative integer $-12$ as follows:

$144\div -12=-\dfrac { 144 }{ 12 } =-12$

Hence, $144\div -12=-12$


  1. $38$

  2. $-38$

  3. $1$

  4. $2$

Correct Option: B
The negative integer $-456$ can be divided by a positive integer $12$ as follows:

$-456\div 12=-\dfrac { 456 }{ 12 } =-38$

Hence, $-456\div 12=-38$

Simplify to its nearest integer.
$1624.12\times 3.891=?$

  1. $6100$

  2. $6203$

  3. $6032$

  4. $6320$

  5. $6230$

Correct Option: D

$1624.13\times 3.8912=6319.81\approx 6320$
Hence option D is the correct answer.

State the following statement as True or False.
Multiplication and Division of two negative numbers is always a negative number.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Multiplication and Division of two negative numbers is always a positive number.

Find the value of $x$ in this equation : $\dfrac{392}{x}=-196$.

  1. $2$

  2. $4$

  3. $-2$

  4. $-4$

Correct Option: C


Simplify the following :-

  1. $21$

  2. $-21$

  3. $20$

  4. $-20$

Correct Option: B


Hence option $B$ is correct.

Simplify the following :-
$\dfrac{39\times(-42)}{(-13)}$= ?

  1. $-126$

  2. $14$

  3. $-14$

  4. $126$

Correct Option: D

Lets simplift $\dfrac{39\times (-42)}{-13}$ as 

$=\dfrac{3\times (-42)}{-1}$

What is the value of $x$ in the following equation?
$-319\div  x =-11$.

  1. $39$

  2. $-29$

  3. $29$

  4. $-39$

Correct Option: C

We need to find $x$ in $-319\div x=-11$
$\dfrac{-319}{x}=-11\ \Rightarrow x=\dfrac{-319}{-11}=29$