Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

Find the value of $(-144)\div(+16)$

  1. $+9$

  2. $+11$

  3. $-9$

  4. $-11$

Correct Option: C

$(-144)\div (+16)=\dfrac { -144 }{ 16 } \ =-(\dfrac { 144 }{ 16 } )\ =-(9)$

So correct answer will be option C

Evaluate  $\displaystyle\ \frac {(-16)\times (-8)\times (-81)}{(-18)\times 32}$

  1. $-18$

  2. $18$

  3. $16$

  4. $-16$

Correct Option: B

Given, $

\dfrac { (-16)\times (-8) \times (-81) }{ (-18)\times 32 } $

As there are $ 3 $ negative numbers in the numerator and $ 1 $ in the denominator, the answer will be positive. 

Canceling out the common factors and simplifying we get

$ \dfrac { (-16)\times (-8) \times (-81) }{ (-18)\times 32 }=\dfrac{4 \times 81}{9 \times2}   = 18 $

Divide $96×(−25)\ by\ (−75)×(−16)$

  1. -2

  2. 2

  3. -5

  4. 5

Correct Option: A

$96\times (-25) \div (-75)\times (-16)$
$=-2400\div 1200$

Sign of the product of 231 negative integers and 9 positive integer is 

  1. negative

  2. positive

  3. 0

  4. none

Correct Option: A

Since $231$ is an odd number, the product of $231$ negative integers will be negative.

The product of all positive integers is a positive number. Hence, the product of $9$ positive integers will be a positive integer.
Therefore, the product of the two integers ($231$ negative and $9$ positive) of unlike signs will be negative. 

The positive integer whose product with $-1$ is 

  1. positive

  2. negative

  3. $0$

  4. none

Correct Option: B

The positive integer whose product with $-1$ is negative.

For example: $2\times (-1)=-2$ and $2.5\times (-1)=-2.5$

Product of two integers with unlike signs is

  1. Negative

  2. 0

  3. Positive

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Let us take two integers, one with positive sign and one with negative sign that is $+2$ and $-5$ then the product of these integers with different/unlike signs is:

$(+2)\times (-5)=-(2\times 5)=-10$ which is a negative integer.

Hence, product of two integers with unlike signs is always negative.

Product of two integers with like signs is

  1. Negative

  2. Positive

  3. 0

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Let us take two integers with positive signs that is $+2$ and $+5$ then the product of these integers with same/like signs is:

$(+2)\times (+5)=2\times 5=10$ which is also a positive integer.

Now, let us take two integers with negative signs that is $-2$ and $-5$ then the product of these integers with same/like signs is:

$(-2)\times (-5)=2\times 5=10$ which is also a positive integer.

Hence, product of two integers with like signs is always positive.

-112 $\times$ _______= +112

  1. +1

  2. 0

  3. -1

  4. +112

Correct Option: C

$-112 \times (-1) = +112$

$(+132) $ $\div$ $ (-12)$

  1. $+ 101$

  2. $-101$

  3. $+ 11$

  4. $-11$

Correct Option: D

$(132)\div (-12)=\frac{132}{-12}$
Option D is correct.

Multiplication of a negative integer for even number of times gives a _________ number.

  1. negative

  2. 0

  3. positive

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

(-1) $\times$ (-1) $\times$ (-I)......evensign = Positive