Tag: soil : our life

Questions Related to soil : our life

The top soil is darker and_______________

  1. Is drier than subsoil

  2. Is richer in Na and Mg

  3. Is wetter than subsoil

  4. Contains more organic matter

Correct Option: D
  • The topsoil is darker because it contains dead organic material in many stages of decomposition. 
  • This degradation produces a substance called humus that is composed of carbon-rich compounds and imparts a dark color. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Which of the following present in the soil is most helpful to the growth of plants?

  1. Gravel

  2. Humus

  3. Sand

  4. Silt

Correct Option: B

Humus is organic matter containing nutrients from the soil. It is nothing but dead and decaying organic matter where saprophytes convert complex organic material into simple nutrients. These nutrients are then available to the plants through humus.

So, option B is the correct answer.

Percolation tanks helps to

  1. Supply water for agriculture

  2. Increase ground water level

  3. Preserve rain water

  4. Prevent overflow of water from tanks during rainy season

Correct Option: A

Water infiltration will be slowest in

  1. Black cotton soil

  2. Sandy soil

  3. Red soil

  4. Loamy soil

Correct Option: A

Black cotton soil is rich in clay, which has very small sized particles. These small sized particles obstruct water movement and hence, this soil has high water holding capacity and low percolation.

Percolation tank helps to 

  1. Preserve rain water

  2. Recharge groundwater

  3. Prevent overflow of water from tank

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Percolation tank is constructed to impound 

  1. Runoff water

  2. Water vapour

  3. Purified water

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

There are different systems constructed to increase the amount of water which is present in the groundwater reserves. The percolation tanks are constructed in the land which is highly permeable. The water from the runoff which gets collected in the tank is then percolated in the ground. This system helps to recharge the groundwater system. These are one of the methods which are used for the conservation of the water resources.

Thus, the correct answer is option A. 

Solubility and availability of plant nutrients are more related to

  1. Soil pH

  2. Soil porosity

  3. Soil temperature

  4. Soil colour

Correct Option: B

Soil porosity is percentage and type of soil pores or interstices. It is of two types - microspores and macrospores. Macrospores are  non capillary pores of more than 20 micrometer diameter. Gravitational water flows through macropores greater than 50 micrometer. Macropores hold air. In good soils,their number is 20 percent. Micropores are capillary pores with diameter of less than 20 micrometer. They hold capillary water. Good soil contain 30 percent microspores. Solubility and availability of plant nutrients depends on porosity because if the pore size is more water will wash away all the nutrients to water table as gravitational water and if porosity is less there will not be any air, respiration of roots and hence, absorption of nutrients will suffer.

An area of soil is thoroughly wetted and allowed to drain until capillary movement of water stopped. The water contents of the soil will give an estimate of its

  1. Capillary water

  2. Storage water

  3. Field capacity

  4. Gravitational water

Correct Option: C

Field capacity is the capacity of field. The amount of water retained by a unit weight of undisturbed soil after complete drainage under controlled conditions is called as field capacity.
Water held up in capillary space between soil particles is called as capillary water.
Gravitational water is the water that seeps down the surface of earth and makes up the water table.
Storage water is normally not used to describe soil water.

Which of the following makes the Venaparthy an area free from water crisis?

  1. Percolation tank

  2. Green mufflers

  3. Afforestation

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Venaparthy is a small village which is situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The village is known for being an area which is free from the problems due to groundwater pollution and water crisis. There are percolation tanks which are set up in the village and the nearby locales. These percolation tanks help in the collection of water in the earthen dams and recharge the groundwater in these regions. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A. 

Salinity of the soil is often caused due to

  1. Accumulation of soluble minerals near or in the surface in arid region

  2. Excessive addition of water

  3. Rapid evaporation of surface water

  4. Excessive leaching

Correct Option: A

Soil salinity is the presence of excess salts especially those of sodium, potassium and magnesium. 

Soil salinity is caused by- 
(i) Soil formation from rocks having excess of sodium, calcium, magnesium etc. 
(ii) Nearness to sea shore, salt lake or salt mine. 
(iii) Irrigation with water rich in basic salts. 
(iv) Absence of slope or presence of basin-shaped topography. 
(v) Elevated water table with aridity. 
When minerals accumulate near surface of arid regions, soil becomes saline
So, the correct answer is 'Accumulation of soluble minerals near or in the surface in arid region'