Tag: soil : our life

Questions Related to soil : our life

Percolation tank is a sustainable development for 

  1. Soil conservation

  2. Solid waste management

  3. Water conservation

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

There are different systems constructed to increase the amount of water which is present in the groundwater reserves. The percolation tanks are constructed in the land which is highly permeable. The water which gets collected in the tank is then percolated in the ground. This system helps to recharge the groundwater system. These are one of the methods which are used for the conservation of the water resources.

Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

Percolation tank is 

  1. Earthen dam

  2. Concrete dam

  3. Woody dam

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The percolation tanks are constructed on the land which is highly permeable. The constructs may be performed using earthen materials which will allow the water to pass through it. This type of tank is also called as the earthen percolation tank. The water which gets collected in the tank is then percolated in the ground. This system helps to recharge the groundwater system. 

The correct answer is option A. 

An artificially created surface water body to recharge ground water is called as

  1. Dam

  2. Well

  3. Percolation tank

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

There are different systems constructed to increase the amount of water which is present in the groundwater reserves. The percolation tanks are constructed in the land which is highly permeable. The water which gets collected in the tank is then percolated in the ground. This system helps to recharge the groundwater system. 

The correct answer is option C. 

Venaparthy has increased groundwater level by adopting

  1. Percolation tank

  2. Cropping pattern

  3. Biofertilizers

  4. Rainwater harvesting system

Correct Option: A

Venaparthy is a small villages situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The village is known for being free from the problems due to groundwater pollution and water crisis. There are percolation tanks which are set up in the village and the nearby locales. These percolation tanks help in the collection of water in the earthen dams and recharge the groundwater in these regions. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A. 

The normal capacity of percolation tank is 

  1. 7.0 mm/day

  2. 7.87 mm/day

  3. 5.87 mm/day

  4. 0.87 mm/day

Correct Option: B

Percolation tanks are the most prevalent structures as it is a measure to recharge the groundwater reservoir both in alluvial as well as hard rock formations.The size of percolation tank should be governed by percolation capacity of strata in the tank bed. Normally, the capacity of percolation tank is 7.87 mm/day.

So, the correct answer is option B.

Percolation tank is the storage of water for 

  1. Domestic pupose

  2. Industrial use

  3. Irrigation

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: D

The percolation tanks are constructed on the land which is highly permeable. The water which gets collected in the tank is then percolated in the ground. This system helps to recharge the groundwater system. The water can be used by constructing borewells for domestic purpose. Canals can be constructed which can be used for the purpose of irrigation and cultivation of crops. 

Thus, the correct answer is option D. 

The depth of the percolation tank is limited to the .......... of the height between bed level and full storage level.

  1. Half

  2. One fourth

  3. One third

  4. Same

Correct Option: B
Percolation tank is an artificially created surface water body, submerging in its reservoir a highly permeable land so that surface runoff is made to percolate and recharge the ground water storage. The size of percolation tank should be governed by percolation capacity of strata in the tank bed and the cut-off trench is to be provided below the earthen bund with depth limited to one-fourth of the height between bed level and full storage level. 
So, the correct answer is option B.

Which soil has highest absorption rate?

  1. Clayey

  2. Loamy

  3. Sandy

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

If a soil sample has a greater number of fine particles. It has greater 

  1. Porosity

  2. Absorption

  3. Percolation

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The lower percolation rate refers that the soil

  1. Can hold water for less time

  2. Can hold water for more time

  3. Cannot hold water

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Percolation rate of a soil is the water absorption rate of the soil. It depends on the composition of the soil. It is different for different types of soil. Hence, it helps in selection of proper soil for the crop growth. Soil with lower percolation has high water retention capacity whereas soil with high percolation has low water retention capacity. Lower percolation rate refers that the soil can hold water for more time while higher percolation rate refers that the soil can hold water for less time. 

Thus, the correct answer is option B.